Donate | Volunteer | Sponsor

We need your help & support - we thank you for your donation of any amount. If you are a volunteer photographer looking to donate your time and photography, please email If you would like to donate hand made items, fabric, or sewing supplies please email Thank you for your donations!

Preemie Prints is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and your gift is tax deductible. We have a mission to support families who have babies born prematurely or critically ill and/or families experiencing the loss of their baby. Your monetary donation will allow us to continue our work.

Please contact us if you would like to support Preemie Prints through mail. You can donate in someone's name or memory. We will send a card to a person of your choosing to let them know. Just note the persons name you are donating in memory or honor of and an address where you would like a card to be sent to notify them.

We need your help with volunteering, sponsoring of events, and through an outright gift or a planned gift. All of our programs are made possible through the commitment and generosity of individual donors like you.

Our organization relies on volunteers with the talents, ideas and hard work for development and implementation of activities and events that will help us meet our goals AND on the skills of photographers across the nation who would like to give back to their communities.

Sponsorship of specific events and monthly meal sponsors for NICU H.O.P.E. Meetings are always needed. These monthly support meetings are held at Brazos Valley Hospitals. They are held to connect past & present NICU and for families experiencing the loss of their baby. If you or your company would like to sponsor an upcoming event, please contact us by email or telephone. We will be happy to visit with you about sponsorship opportunities and recognition. Our sponsors are at the very heart of our activities.

Amber Collier - Director

Become an Ambassador
Raising awareness about our cause and connecting with potential supporters is essential to fulfilling our vision. The role of an ambassador is to be an official representative of Preemie Prints. We seek to connect with people who are influential leaders within their community, outspoken, and have a passion for our cause. Ambassadors will use their position to help get the community involved in raising public awareness and funding discoveries. If you meet those credentials and want to help, please contact Amber Collier at amber

Refer Us
Help share Preemie Prints with other parents who have experienced the NICU. You can refer us to friends and family affected by prematurity via email, text, social media or over the phone. Tell them to find more information on our website.

Tell Doctors and Other Health Care Professionals About Us
Tell doctors (perinatologists, pediatricians, neonatologists, OB/GYN, and others), nurses, social workers, psychologists, counselors, therapists, and any other health care professional you know who might interact with NICU or angel parents.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing - i've really enjoyed reading this. I've recently discovered the great fundraising blog written by Tony Charalambides, you should check it out!
